Monday, May 27, 2013

we were created to be in relationship with others. we are made to live in the context of community. 

i learned how crucial living in community was when i was in tuscaloosa. when i think of community i think of my life group from calvary, the girls i did child care with in the nursery and my amazing friend group. i loved my church and the people there. it was so good for me while i was in school. i didn't think i could find anything like that when i moved back home in august. 

praying for a church, small group and friends was the repeated prayer for months and months. i started going to a church in the fall that i liked because i knew people. i knew it wasn't for me almost two months into it. i met new people but didn't feel a strong sense of community. i felt like i was just another face in the group. the search was on for a new church in virginia beach.

late in the fall my friend garrett sent me a text and asked me if i went to trinity church in virginia beach. i told him i had never heard of it and asked how he knew about a church in my hometown. (he's from florida...) he told me he read a book by the pastor of trinity. i googled it and decided to go one sunday morning. i prayed for an open heart and clear mind when i went. 

pastor randy talked about following god's will for our lives and what that should look like. in the sermon he showed a clip from the office and mentioned college football. ah-ha! of course i was loving that. i dropped a connect card in the offering plate and asked for someone to contact me about a home group. about a week later i received an email from tommie with different options for home groups. i told him which one would work for me and he gave my contact info the the leader of that group. i got an email from blake then next thing you know i'm going to matthews house for bible study.

y'all - i knew after walking in the door that is where i belonged. they were people my age or slightly older. we're all pretty much in the same stage of life. the things we talked about were awesome. i just saw how well they loved one another and knew i had to be part of that. 

i've been going to my church and small group all spring. i'm learning so much and having a blast doing life with my friends. we go line dancing every week, take trips to nyc, have movie nights and rock band jam sessions. and yesterday, i had the opportunity to open up my home to my friends. we had a cookout at my house. we had a sweet game of soccer going on along with corn hole, football throwing and frisbee. everyone had such a good time. i loved that. i loved being able to have my friends over to my house for a night of hanging out. my parents absolutely loved everyone and enjoyed opening up our home to them. my brother even got in on the soccer game and catch phrase. they wanted to meet my brother because apparently i talk about him all of the time. i loved it. i love how invested we all are in each others lives. it was such a fun night.

when everyone left last night my mom could not stop talking about how awesome my friends are. she kinda figured that already but she was so excited to meet them. as we talked i realized just how special that group is to me. it's like we're a little family and i love it. that community i missed so much in tuscaloosa (and don't get me wrong - i miss everyone so so much) is something i have here now in virginia beach. for the first time since i moved back home i feel like i have a solid group of friends. god heard my prayer and answered at the perfect time. i'm oh so thankful for the guys and girls i do life with in virginia beach.

bless the lord for he is good!

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