Friday, October 18, 2013

the head and the heart released a new album earlier this week. i plan on writing up something about the new album in a week or so. i will tell ya - it's amazing. go buy it immediately if you don't own it. you can thank me later. the title track has been the one song to really stick out to me. i think it's because my life has been beyond insane the past couple of weeks. i feel like i haven't been able to stop and catch my breath. this song is a very chill song and repeats over and over again just for a moment let's be still. let's be still. i'm realizing how crucial that is in everyday life - to take a moment to be still before the lord. i know that's not the direction these guys were going in with this song but that's what has been standing out to me this week. so go check it out. it's awesome.

the head and the heart - let's be still video
i have been asked/volunteered to write a letter to a precious little girl for her to read on her 18th birthday. i thought 18 would be a good year to pick because it's kind of a big year in life. also, looking back at 18, there are so many things i wish somebody would have told me. i feel like it would have helped me out in a big way. however, experience is often the best teacher even if it hurts walking through some of those things.

i've been brainstorming so many different things. (side note - looking back at 18 i'm just overwhelmed with gratitude for the lord and his provision in my life.) here are some of the things i want to share with this girl. praying we all can find a little something out of it to encourage matter how old we are.

1. YOU ARE LOVED. repeat it over and over again. you are loved. you are known. you have value. you are daughter. (or son...for all the guys reading this!) and it has nothing to do with what you bring to the table. it's all because of jesus. take a second to let that sink it. your value, beauty, identity - it's hidden in him. embrace your identity in him as you go off into this next phase of life. don't let anyone tell you something different. there are going to be times when you doubt this. we are girls. it's bound to happen because our culture sucks. when those times happen just turn on some beyonce and have a dance party by yourself. (trust me. it works. you will feel empowered!) then, and i would say this is the most important thing, go spend some time with the man who created you in his perfect image. a great place to start? psalm 139. specifically verses 13 and 14. for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, i know that full well. you are a child of god. repeat that to yourself daily. you are a child of god.

2. keep your life organized. seriously. buy a super cool planner and write stuff down. then when you're done mark it off your list. your life will instantly be less stressful when you have a little bit of organization.

3. surround yourself with a nurturing community. growth happens in the context of community. i know this to be true in my life. also, it's something jesus did while he was on earth. i'd say it's pretty important to do. this is where you're going to find people who love you well. you'll learn to be vulnerable within that community. and it doesn't have to be with 40 different people. no, no no! it will be with a few girls. y'all will challenge each other, encourage each other and grow together as individuals and as friends. these are the friends that will stick around for a long long time. life isn't meant to be done alone. so i pray you find a solid community...especially in college! the things you learn will be with you always. it's a beautiful thing.

...and i'm going to stop there. i'm distracted by two precious little boys at starbucks. there will be a part two soon.