Friday, October 18, 2013

the head and the heart released a new album earlier this week. i plan on writing up something about the new album in a week or so. i will tell ya - it's amazing. go buy it immediately if you don't own it. you can thank me later. the title track has been the one song to really stick out to me. i think it's because my life has been beyond insane the past couple of weeks. i feel like i haven't been able to stop and catch my breath. this song is a very chill song and repeats over and over again just for a moment let's be still. let's be still. i'm realizing how crucial that is in everyday life - to take a moment to be still before the lord. i know that's not the direction these guys were going in with this song but that's what has been standing out to me this week. so go check it out. it's awesome.

the head and the heart - let's be still video

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