Tuesday, November 19, 2013

music tuesday, y'all!

i'm a super big fan of punch brothers. their albums are just good for the heart. i'm a sucker for the banjo, music that gets you movin' and simple sounds. well wouldn't you know that's what you get with punch brothers? i go to them when i'm on road trips...usually in the late morning on sunny days. i don't know why they sound better at that time of the day for me but they do. anyhow, i know this song has been out for a while but most people don't know about punch brothers. click the link. check it out. hope you enjoy.

also, they'll be playing in richmond if anyone feels the need to buy me a ticket (:

This Girl - Punch Brothers

Monday, November 18, 2013

i go through certain times in my life where a particular word is evident in different conversations, reading and prayer. a lot of the times it's more like two or three words. recently i've been hit with identity and daily. there are a few other words but i feel like these are the biggest ones for me.

i've been blessed a lot by listening to people share their stories. i love listening to stories. it's great to listen to people be real and share what their lives looked like before god started redeeming particular moments and where he has them now. those stories always bring it back to the here and now. recently the things i hear all point back to figuring out how to embrace and live out being a son or daughter. it all points back to identity.

every single time i turn on facebook there is a new article about potential relationships and relationships. if you are a woman who has 5 characteristics a great man will want you. here are 8 ways christians should date. these are things i've learned about being married. and then there are so many more articles about love. it's cool. there are great points in each of them. heck, i've shared them because some of those things are great to have in friendships. however, they all neglect one big topic - identity.

i just thought bringing up the topic and sharing my thoughts on it would be a good thing. (side note - i do not have it all together. this is something i need to learn again. i'm a ragamuffin just trying to figure out how to live like the redeemed daughter i am in christ.) here are some things that come to mind when i think and study identity.

there is one place we have our identity secured and that's in jesus. when god looks at us, his children, he doesn't see our mistakes and our shortcomings. when god looks at us he sees jesus. he sees what jesus accomplished on the cross. we have been granted freedom to approach the throne of our father just as we are because of jesus. there's nothing we can do for him to love us more or less. there's nothing we can do for him to forgive us any more or less. we are loved and forgiven. and with that comes freedom in being a sons and daughters of god. i think we get that but don't embrace it.

living in freedom as sons and daughters can be easy some days and difficult other days. why? for me satan likes to attack my thoughts. he brings up things i've been forgiven of and likes to remind me of my mistakes. as much as i hate to admit it - sometimes i let that define me. i let that forgiven sin, that shortcoming, that mistake define me instead of letting that freedom as a daughter define me. i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels that way. it's a constant struggle of deciding whether we are going to believe the lies satan throws our way or embrace the truth and freedom that comes in god's forgiveness. are we going to let false identity define us or embrace our true identity in christ?

the one relationship that defines us is our relationship with god. it's not in our relationship status on facebook. it's not in our friendships. it's not in the relationships we have in our families. we are created in god's perfect image but we are a bunch of ragamuffins. i don't know about you but i find a whole lot of relief in knowing the one relationship that should define me comes from someone who is perfect and good. sometimes it's easy to doubt that when we are constantly seeing things on relationships though. overall, i feel like the things i read are performance based and neglect identity. the thoughts, "oh, so these are the 5 things guys are looking for in a woman? i only meet 3 of the 5 so clearly there's something wrong with me. it's time to make changes." uhm, stop it. so god created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. own it. we are who we are because that's how god created us. we bear his perfect image! embrace it. own it. let the things we have been freely given as sons and daughters define us! who cares what people think? we aren't made for them. we have been created to bring god glory!

i feel like i have a lot more i could say on the topic on allowing relationships or the lack thereof define us. david platt articulates everything i am trying/wanting to say oh so beautifully - The Christian’s ultimate identity is in Christ. In Christ we are fully complete :: there is satisfaction and sufficiency that far supersedes anything any woman and man could bring to the table.

here's my heart on how to own being sons and daughters- i hope that we all see how important our relationship with abba father is and how important it is to abide with him. it might seem like a daunting task but it starts with us trusting him to keep us abiding. once we start doing life with him it becomes more clear who we are as sons and daughters. it doesn't become easier but we're walking with someone who conquered death and is faithful. may we be reminded of that daily. he knows our hearts desires and will bless them the way he sees fit. trust and obey. for me that starts with daily abiding with him as his daughter.

finally! a day of rest on what has got to be one of the most beautiful fall mornings.

i'm sitting outside of starbucks with my iced coffee enjoying the warm sun, a nice little breeze and seryn. seryn is a band i've been listening to for a year or two. i'm forever grateful to malcolm for introducing such sweet jams into my life. i had them on repeat all of the time then i started discovering other music. long story short they got put on the back burner...until today. i could not think of more perfect music to have in the background.

the music is simple but blows my mind at the same time. their harmonies give me chills. the music itself is absolutely beautiful. i'm a sucker for musicians who use all different types of instruments. boom. that's what they do. the lyrics stop and make me think. basically seryn is just a solid group of musicians who make really good music.

we will all be changed is a personal favorite. if you have time you should listen to the album. in studio they sound amazing. this video is a live version of the song. they sound phenomenal. hope you enjoy the simple and refreshing sounds of seryn.