Monday, November 18, 2013

finally! a day of rest on what has got to be one of the most beautiful fall mornings.

i'm sitting outside of starbucks with my iced coffee enjoying the warm sun, a nice little breeze and seryn. seryn is a band i've been listening to for a year or two. i'm forever grateful to malcolm for introducing such sweet jams into my life. i had them on repeat all of the time then i started discovering other music. long story short they got put on the back burner...until today. i could not think of more perfect music to have in the background.

the music is simple but blows my mind at the same time. their harmonies give me chills. the music itself is absolutely beautiful. i'm a sucker for musicians who use all different types of instruments. boom. that's what they do. the lyrics stop and make me think. basically seryn is just a solid group of musicians who make really good music.

we will all be changed is a personal favorite. if you have time you should listen to the album. in studio they sound amazing. this video is a live version of the song. they sound phenomenal. hope you enjoy the simple and refreshing sounds of seryn.

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