Saturday, December 28, 2013

"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield." - Ps. 5:11-12

i absolutely love seeing my extended family. they are the most compassionate, dedicated people in the entire world; however, things usually go a bit overboard and i get overwhelmed. also, my anxiety tends to be at an all time high when i'm there whether i realize it or not. it's just not a good combination. when i get back i usually shower, go to bed at 4 and sleep until the next morning. this time was completely different.

about a week ago i was lucky enough to grab coffee with brittany and sweet lady lively. for the record, any time spent with them is so good for the heart. for some reason that morning was extra good. long story short we started talking about the joy but struggle it is for me to go to pennsylvania for the holidays. i appreciate any advice people give me when i'm about to go for a long visit and brittany had some things to say. it wasn't the typical things people tell me. it was simple but powerful. why i didn't think of it before she said it beats me. all she said was to find a verse or two that i could cling to and pray while i was gone then pray and read it daily. she told me to share those verses with her so she could pray them over me while i was gone. (side note - y'all, let me tell you how great brittany is and what a blessing she has been to me! if i need a physical reminder of god's faithfulness to answering prayers i can just look at her. i prayed and prayed and prayed for a friend who would encourage and challenge me...a friend who i could be completely real with...a friend who would love me well. he provided that with brittany. i am so incredibly grateful.) the night before we left i opened my bible and found those verses in ps. 5. yep. i knew those were the ones for me for this trip. i shared them with brittany then left the next day for pennsylvania.

the first night we were there everyone was in a great mood. i was so so happy! i sent brittany a text that night to share the good news. i was going to use those first few hours to be a source of encouragement that god in fact heard our prayers and that he was faithful to answer! well wouldn't you know this ended up being the best christmas for our family? even when the crazies decided to get carried away it was okay. no one busted out into an argument. everyone was so kind to each other. this was the first time in a long time i actually slept through the nights up there. this was the first time in a couple of years i wasn't anxious going out shopping with my mom and great-aunt. (i know this all probably sounds insane but if you knew just how ridiculous things can get you'd be stoked about these little things too.) it was a great time with my family. when i got back to vb brittany was the first person i texted. i let her know i was back and how great our time together ended up being. she was so excited. i was too. 

god is so good, y'all! he cares about the big things in our lives just as much as the minor details. my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude because of his faithfulness to me in this usually chaotic time. i can't think of a more perfect way to go into 2014. what a precious reminder of the god i love and serve. he knows the desires of our hearts and provides for them in so many different ways! sometimes it's immediately. sometimes it wakes a while. keep asking. he's listening and waiting to provide just what you need in his time. 

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