Monday, March 18, 2013

All His fullness and all His riches are for thee, O believer; for the Vine does not live for itself, keeps nothing for itself, but exists only for the branches. - Andrew Murray

i am going through abide in christ by andrew murray again. i started reading chapter 4 this past saturday. it was so good for where i am at right now. when i read that he exists only for the branches i just had to stop and soak that in. i am a branch. brothers and sisters, each of you are branches. feel the weight of that. he has our backs. he equips us with everything we need to go out and start bearing fruit. why? because he is in us and we are in him. "remain in me and i will remain in you." go out. be confident. bear fruit. he has us y'all. he has us wrapped up in his arms. the lord is good. ALL his fullness and ALL his riches are for YOU. accept that and grow.

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