Friday, March 22, 2013

"What does it mean to practically hear the Lord? He uses Scripture, the Holy Spirit and His people." - Audrey Brooks

my prayer life has been incredible lately. i have been asking things from the lord and he has been faithful. things have been changing, a lot, and i don't really like it...but i know he has my best in mind. i just need to get over myself, trust and wait. a new prayer has been on my heart -- a prayer to rest in the lord. i've been praying it for a few weeks now. god used my trip to tuscaloosa to refresh my heart but i am still in need of true rest. i'm not just talking about sleep either. i'm talking about rest that gives me true peace and leaves me refreshed.

i had this idea to go away for a day or night to a new place i have never been - a place where i wouldn't know anyone, a place where i could disconnect from everything and everyone, a place to be alone before the lord and retreat. i felt like the lord was telling me that but i was a bit skeptical at first. but then he started speaking out to me through his perfect word, his spirit and his people.

the first was his spirit. i've been reading abide in christ by andrew murray. i'm taking in so much about what it looks like to actually be a branch and truly live in the true vine. through that, and so much prayer, i feel in tune with the spirit. his voice has been clear and i think it's because of how much time i've been spending alone with the lord. granted, he easily could speak into my life without me doing anything to get close to him. he is god. i'm not trying to put a box on him. it just feels more real i guess because the things the spirit has been telling me go hand-in-hand with what i am reading. and like i said before, he has been speaking to me through my prayer life. ahhhh, it is so so good. so that's that.

the next thing he has been using is his scripture. part of my quiet time was spent reading the story in mark 6 -- when jesus tells his disciples to get on the boat and go to the other side of the lake then he retreats to a mountain to pray. then a friend tweeted isaiah 30:15 -- in repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. those are just two things i've read that talk about going away and being alone before the lord. i do spend time with him daily...but then it's off to work, or younglife or hanging out with friends. none of those things are bad. the lord definitely fills me up daily but i have not stopped to take time to actually rest and be before the creator of the universe in a long, long time.

the third way he has been speaking to me is through friends. i can't begin to tell y'all how many people are praying specifically for rest for me. it's been a common theme in the texts i've been receiving from so many people the last few weeks. then i had a girl from younglife tell me that yes, i should get that cabin for a night i was halfway joking about and go retreat and rest. all of these people speaking into my life probably didn't know i have been praying for rest for weeks now. i love how the lord works and uses people without them knowing it.

i am thankful god is speaking to me through his word, spirit and people. it is such a cool reminder that he is in fact near to me and wants me to be near to him.


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