Wednesday, April 3, 2013

a day late...but that's what happens when i leave town for a few days and try to get back into the swing of things.

the other day i was driving around virginia beach. i left my ipod at home so i had to resort to using the radio. thankfully we had a good alternative station here. when they went to a commercial break i started flipping through the stations hoping for something good. closing time by semisonic was playing on another station. i freaking love that song! when it ended it went into a song i never heard. as i sat at a red light i listened to the lyrics and thought, "yes! this is good. who is this man?" shazam saved the day and told me it was phillip phillips. great, the home guy. but oh my word i was hooked on the song. the lyrics are so good. the music has a good vibe to it. needless to say i went home that night and bought the song. time to share it with you lovely people. here's gone, gone, gone.

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